
Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather sessions are relatively small and informal gatherings designed to build networks and explore ideas. Rather than give a formal presentation, facilitators will prepare questions or ideas around a particular topic for you to discuss.

Portland will be operating on PST time during the conference.


Friday, October 25
12:45 PM – 1:15 PM

TIG: Qualitative Methods

Presentation Number: 56

Presentation Name: “When Systems Change Meets Burnout: Qualitative Interviewers to support Community Mobilizers.”


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation Number: 61

Presentation Name: Advancing the Conversation: Uplifting Practitioner Voices in Evaluating Programs at Scale


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation Number: 62

Presentation Name: Amplifying the Voices of Multigenerational and Multidisciplinary STEM Evaluation Journeys - A Roundtable Bridge of Resources and Mentorship


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation Number: 63

Presentation Name: Amplifying Voices, Weaving a Tapestry: A Collaborative Journey in STEM Education Evaluation


TIG: Needs Assessment

Presentation Number: 46

Presentation Name: Assessment of multimodal pulse oximeter needs at primary health care facilities, application of the human-centered design approach in Senegal


TIG: Education Evaluation

Presentation Number: 95

Presentation Name: Brainstorm Ways to Prevent Opt-out of Participation in Student Risky Behavior Surveys and Reporting Survey Results


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation Number: 66

Presentation Name: Building the Public Health Evaluation Workforce through a Graduate Student Experience Program: Developing a Student-Informed Applied Practice Training Program


TIG: Independent Consulting

Presentation Number: 40

Presentation Name: Collaboration Over Competition: Navigating the Complexities of Evaluator Partnerships


TIG: Extension Education Evaluation

Presentation Number: 25

Presentation Name: Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks for Supporting Extension Evaluation


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation Number: 3

Presentation Name: Considering a Trauma-informed Approach to Evaluation: The Significance of Collaboration and Safety in Evaluation Design to Elevate Community Voice


TIG: Social Work

Presentation Number: 60

Presentation Name: Creating a Network: Evaluators in the Wild


TIG: University-Based Centers

Presentation Number: 72

Presentation Name: Creating multi-generational spaces in a University-based model for uplifting  new perspectives in evaluation


TIG: Democracy and Governance

Presentation Number: 15

Presentation Name: Developmental Evaluation as an approach to balance multiple voices


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation Number: 4

Presentation Name: Embracing Complexity: Rethinking Race in Behavioral Health Programs through a Postmodern Lens


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation Number: 5

Presentation Name: Enhancing Program Evaluation through Engaging Community Partners


TIG: Government Evaluation

Presentation Number: 28

Presentation Name: Evaluating Complex Foreign and Domestic Assistance Programs with At Risk Communities


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation Number: 64

Presentation Name: Evaluating Program Sustainability


TIG: Advocacy and Policy Change

Presentation Number: 1

Presentation Name: Evaluating Risk: A Discussion on Navigating Complex Environments


TIG: Government Evaluation

Presentation Number: 29

Presentation Name: Flocking Together: Navigating complexity in evaluating federally funded projects


TIG: Program Design

Presentation Number: 54

Presentation Name: Framing Evaluation from the Participants' Lived Experience: Applying a Data Equity Framework in Evaluation


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation Number: 65

Presentation Name: GeoQuery: An Open Access Platform for Geospatial Data


TIG: Program Design

Presentation Number: 55

Presentation Name: Government-to-Government Direct Funding: A Tool to Foster Locally Led Development


TIG: Internal Evaluation

Presentation Number: 42

Presentation Name: How do you bring an equitable evaluation lens into your evaluation work as an internal evaluator?


TIG: International and Cross Cultural Evaluation

Presentation Number: 44

Presentation Name: Human Rights Evaluation Networking Session


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation Number: 7

Presentation Name: Identifying & Dismantling Mindsets that Hinder Stakeholder Involvement in Developmental Evaluation


TIG: Needs Assessment

Presentation Number: 47

Presentation Name: Incorporating Community Voice and Data Walks into Needs Assessment


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation Number: 6

Presentation Name: Learning from Communities and Provider Voices: The Importance of Using Community Knowledge to Understand Behavioral Health Disparities and Solutions


TIG: Environmental Program Evaluation

Presentation Number: 23

Presentation Name: Let's Learn From and Support One Another: Lessons from Internal Evaluators in Building Culture of Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation (CREE) in an Environmental Organization


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation Number: 68

Presentation Name: Leveraging Online Self-Paced Learning to Strengthen the Capacity of Emerging Evaluators


TIG: Community Psychology

Presentation Number: 14

Presentation Name: Liberatory Spiritual Guidance for Social Transformation: How Our Ethics Guide Our Evaluation Efforts


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation Number: 32

Presentation Name: Lift Every Voice: Incorporating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging in Evaluation Practice


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation Number: 35

Presentation Name: Minding the Gap in Foster Care: Using data-informed needs assessment to drive collective impact outcomes


TIG: Nonprofit and Foundations

Presentation Number: 48

Presentation Name: Mired in metrics and reporting: Shifting philanthropy and government funding to empower learning and action


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation Number: 50

Presentation Name: Mutual Capacity Strengthening and Transition Thinking to Shift Power to Proximate Actors

TIG: Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation

Presentation Number: 18

Presentation Name: Navigating Post-event Evaluation Challenges: Amplifying field voices and key processes in large-scale humanitarian assistance


TIG: Internal Evaluation

Presentation Number: 43

Presentation Name: Navigating Tensions Around Data Collection by Multiple Stakeholders of an NSF Study


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation Number: 51

Presentation Name: On Becoming Undisciplined: How Valuing a Non-Traditional Entrance Into the Field of Evaluation Creates Space for Diverse and Emerging Voices


TIG: Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation

Presentation Number: 19

Presentation Name: On the Strategy of Emergency Declarations: The 2010 Emergency Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases as uplifting the voices of the US-Affiliated Pacific Island Region


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation Number: 36

Presentation Name: One (or more) degree removed: Incorporating community voice into evaluations at the organization level


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation Number: 37

Presentation Name: Ongoing, Dynamic, and Interactive Evaluations: Practical Guidance for New Policy Standards


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation Number: 69

Presentation Name: Positioning evaluator-as-learner: Evaluator and ethnographer co-teaching a program evaluation course from an ethnographic perspective


TIG: Translational Research Evaluation

Presentation Number: 70

Presentation Name: Reframing the Framework: Fresh approaches and novel ideas to using the Translational Science Benefits Model (TSBM).


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation Number: 52

Presentation Name: Re-Imagining Youth-Led Programs by Centering an Evaluation Framework in a Peer-to-Peer Learning Environment


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation Number: 8

Presentation Name: Retrospective Post-then-Pre Questionnaire Design: Looking Back at What We Learned


TIG: Arts, Culture, and Museums

Presentation Number: 2

Presentation Name: Scientific, Political and Administrative Complexities with Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practices:  One Federal Agency’s Reflections


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation Number: 9

Presentation Name: Seeing the Whole Iceberg: Supporting Clients to Embrace Root Causes


TIG: Evaluation Managers and Supervisors

Presentation Number: 24

Presentation Name: Sharing strategies and lessons learned for effectively mentoring and empowering new evaluators


TIG: Feminist Issues in Evaluation

Presentation Number: 26

Presentation Name: ShEvaluator: Raising the next generation of female Monitoring and Evaluation Personnel in Africa.


TIG: Mixed Methods Evaluation

Presentation Number: 45

Presentation Name: Small but mighty: Creatively navigating evaluation constraints to build trust and amplify authentic voices


TIG: Research, Technology, and Development Evaluation

Presentation Number: 58

Presentation Name: Strategies to Promote Evaluation Uptake by Decision-Makers: How to Equip Non-Managerial Staff to Engage in Effective Evaluation Advocacy


TIG: College Access Programs

Presentation Number: 13

Presentation Name: Strengthening Indigenous Student Success—Bridging Equity Gaps


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation Number: 53

Presentation Name: Strengthening Staff Evaluation Capacity to Enable Continuous Improvement: The Experience of Education Development Center and FEMA National Exercise Division


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation Number: 16

Presentation Name: Surpassing Q & A: Building Trust in Focus Group Facilitation


TIG: Education Evaluation

Presentation Number: 20

Presentation Name: Systematizing Implementation: Is it Possible to Control for the Uncontrollable?


TIG: Translational Research Evaluation

Presentation Number: 71

Presentation Name: The challenge of using standard evaluation approaches that are not fit for purpose: A case example from the NIH-funded Clinical and Translation Science Award program.


TIG: Research, Technology, and Development Evaluation

Presentation Number: 59

Presentation Name: The Next Big Thing in Evaluation is AI, But for Whom?


TIG: Education Evaluation

Presentation Number: 21

Presentation Name: The Possibilities and Challenges of Applying QuantCrit to School Climate Surveys


TIG: Feminist Issues in Evaluation

Presentation Number: 27

Presentation Name: The situatedness of indigenous knowledge within localization of global development evaluation.


TIG: Graduate Students and New Evaluators

Presentation Number: 30

Presentation Name: Theory Meets Practice: A Discussion of How Current Evaluation Graduate Studies Programs Align with the Practical Field of Evaluation


TIG: Nonprofit and Foundations

Presentation Number: 49

Presentation Name: Theory of Change or Theory of Philanthropy?


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation Number: 17

Presentation Name: Three Perspectives on How to Empower Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation as Subject Matter Experts


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation Number: 38

Presentation Name: To Evaluation and Beyond: Moving Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) Beyond Mandatory Data Collection and Toward Systemic Inquiry


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation Number: 33

Presentation Name: Tools to Understand Individual and Systems Level Competency to Identify and Address Health-related Social Needs


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation Number: 34

Presentation Name: Understanding how research and scientific investments cultivate health equity science: A pilot on the prevention of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) at CDC


TIG: Graduate Students and New Evaluators

Presentation Number: 31

Presentation Name: Ushering in the Next Generation of Evaluators: Strategies and Approaches for Mentoring New Evaluators Early in their Career


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation Number: 10

Presentation Name: Using trauma-informed, survivor-centered, and culturally-rooted methods to evaluate gender-based violence survivor-serving agencies


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation Number: 39

Presentation Name: Veteran's Voices: Portfolio Evaluation of US Assistance to Ukraine's Veterans

TIG: Education Evaluation

Presentation Number: 22

Presentation Name: Voices in Evaluation: Amplifying Impact in Modern Education


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation Number: 11

Presentation Name: Voicing all Perspectives: Incorporating Family Voices in Evaluations


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation Number: 12

Presentation Name: What Does It Take for an Evaluation to Be Truly Participatory?


TIG: Independent Consulting

Presentation Number: 41

Presentation Name: Where do we even begin when introducing evaluation consulting?


Friday, October 25
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM

TIG: Youth Focused Evaluation

Presentation: 73



TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation: 75

Presentation: “Empowering Women with Children: A Community-Driven Approach to Mental Health through CBPR”


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation: 86

Presentation: “The School of Hard Knocks” -- Working with (and as) Lived Experience Experts


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation: 79

Presentation: Adding more voices to the conversation of how we measure success: Co-creating outcomes and indicators with communities


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation: 107

Presentation: Amplifying Lived Expertise on your Team


TIG: Internal Evaluation

Presentation: 114

Presentation: Amplifying More Voices to Fail Forward Faster


TIG: Integrating Technology into Evaluation

Presentation: 113

Presentation: Amplifying New Perspectives: Bridging Innovation and Inclusivity In an AI-Enhanced Evaluation


TIG: Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation

Presentation: 92

Presentation: An Evaluation of US Disaster Response Program for Promoting Resilience


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation: 103

Presentation: An Evaluator’s Role to Support Quality Convening Facilitated by Public Health and Healthcare & Advance Collective Impact and Community Health


TIG: Arts, Culture, and Museums

Presentation: 74

Presentation: Art and Health Equity: A Collaborative Arts-Based (ABE) Evaluation of Rhode Island's Health Equity Zones


TIG: Needs Assessment

Presentation: 118

Presentation: Assessing Community Need on the Community's Terms


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation: 76

Presentation: Assessing Training, Coaching, and Practice: Measurement Innovations and Applications in the Evaluation of Wraparound Care Coordination


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation: 104

Presentation: Benefits, challenges, and lessons learned from a coordinated umbrella approach to High Impact Program Evaluation Projects at CDC’s Division of HIV Prevention


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation: 80

Presentation: Breaking the one-way mirror: Building participant reflection into evaluation design


TIG: Mixed Methods Evaluation

Presentation: 116

Presentation: Bridging Program Evaluation with Implementation Science: Leveraging the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)


TIG: Mixed Methods Evaluation

Presentation: 117

Presentation: Bridging the Gap: A Review of Fellowship Programs to Enhance Scientist-Policy Engagement in International Development


TIG: Independent Consulting

Presentation: 112

Presentation: Building a Better Evaluation Firm: Structuring Your Consultancy for Social Good as a B Corp


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation: 121

Presentation: Building service provider competencies in data culture, capacity, and infrastructure to tell the story of their work and amplify community voice


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation: 77

Presentation: Challenges and Opportunities for Building Evaluation Capacity with Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Grantees


TIG: University-Based Centers

Presentation: 145

Presentation: Challenges and Opportunities in Evaluating University-Based Centers and Institutes


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation: 108

Presentation: Challenging Dominant Paradigms: Stories from Three Home Visiting Program Evaluations


TIG: Program Design

Presentation: 126

Presentation: Choreographing Success: The Evaluator and Grant Writer Partnership


TIG: Community Psychology

Presentation: 85

Presentation: Co-learners on whiteness, evaluation and our relationship to land


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation: 109

Presentation: Collaborations to Improve Paid Family and Medical Leave for Mental Health


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation: 110

Presentation: Comparing Groups with Different Identity Characteristics to Amplify Equality, Equity, and Social Justice: Considerations for Evaluators


TIG: Behavioral Health

Presentation: 78

Presentation: Consensual Measurement Approach Applied to Agency in Bodily Autonomy


TIG: Internal Evaluation

Presentation: 115

Presentation: Culturally Responsive Frameworks for Internal Evaluators


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation: 122

Presentation: Developing a learning culture: Stories and lessons from developing learning agendas


TIG: Systems in Evaluation

Presentation: 137

Presentation: Developmental and Systems Change Evaluation in Rural Communities


TIG: Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation

Presentation: 93

Presentation: Elevating Methodological and Ethical Standards in Monitoring


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation: 105

Presentation: Elevating the voice of women using an equitable transdisciplinary approach to define and measure mammographic quality


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation: 81

Presentation: Embodying Equitable Practices in the Formation, Design and Evaluation of Community-Driven Health Equity Initiatives


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation: 87

Presentation: Embracing neurodivergent evaluators: Lessons learned from cephalopod-based coding solutions


TIG: Nonprofit and Foundations

Presentation: 119

Presentation: Empowering RJ Change Agents: Elevating Youth Perspectives to Guide Restorative Justice Grantmaking


TIG: Program Design

Presentation: 128

Presentation: Engagement in Online Learning: A Participatory Approach to Program Design and Evaluation


TIG: Extension Education Evaluation

Presentation: 99

Presentation: Enhancing Drought Resilience: A Model for Community-Engaged Evaluation in University Partnerships


TIG: Health Evaluation

Presentation: 106

Presentation: Evaluating Health Plan Partnerships


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation: 123

Presentation: Evaluating Professional Learning Communities - A Skill Building Workshop


TIG: Translational Research Evaluation

Presentation: 143

Presentation: Evaluating the complex array of approaches in the process to translate medical findings into health impacts


TIG: Environmental Program Evaluation

Presentation: 98

Presentation: Evaluating the economic and social impacts of empowering informal waste collectors: Key players in ocean plastics mitigation and the circular economy


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation: 82

Presentation: Evaluation Anthropology Networking Session


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation: 125

Presentation: Evaluation of a Nonprofit Capacity Building Program


TIG: Education Evaluation

Presentation: 96

Presentation: Exploring Measurement of Student Motivation, Engagement, and Belonging in K-12 Educational Evaluation


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation: 88

Presentation: Fostering Mentorship, Kinship, and Modeling Approaches for the Next Generation of Underrepresented Evaluators


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation: 133

Presentation: Harnessing Community Strengths for High Quality STEM Education: A Case Study of Rural Empowerment in the Black Belt


TIG: Social Network Analysis

Presentation: 132

Presentation: How GangMembers Lead Violence Reduction Through A Focus on Networks


TIG: Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation

Presentation: 83

Presentation: How Internationalizing Higher Education Gave Voice to Foreign-born Students


TIG: Education Evaluation

Presentation: 97

Presentation: Including New Voices in Evaluation: Addressing Challenges from Recruitment and Design


TIG: Research, Technology, and Development Evaluation

Presentation: 130

Presentation: Incorporating unheard voices: Leveraging technology to expand evaluations


TIG: Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation

Presentation: 94

Presentation: Influence of organizational system on the utilization of M&E Findings among Humanitarian Organizations in Uganda


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation: 134

Presentation: Innovative Approaches to Sensemaking in STEM Projects to Engage Varied Voices


TIG: Organizational Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building

Presentation: 124

Presentation: Introducing the Carolina Collaborative for Early Childhood Innovation: Funding a Listening and Evaluation Process to Close the Gap Between Program Designers and Users from Beginning to End


TIG: Graduate Students and New Evaluators

Presentation: 101

Presentation: It Takes a Village: Amplifying Caregiver Voices of Graduate Students Through Career and Community


TIG: Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation

Presentation: 91

Presentation: Launching a career in humanitarian assistance: how evaluations can engage emerging perspectives


TIG: Human Services Evaluation

Presentation: 111

Presentation: Learning Evaluation Through Doing Evaluation: Guidance & Reflection in Human Services Education


TIG: Translational Research Evaluation

Presentation: 144

Presentation: Man in the Mirror: Reflecting on the Evaluation of Tomorrow’s Medical Research Leaders


TIG: Nonprofit and Foundations

Presentation: 120

Presentation: Measuring Amplified Voices Responsibly


TIG: Feminist Issues in Evaluation

Presentation: 100

Presentation: Measuring the Impact of Women’s Leadership: Now and Next


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation: 135

Presentation: Participatory Processes for Understanding Inclusivity in STEM


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation: 89

Presentation: Recovery @ Eval 2024 – 12 steps and 12 traditions in program evaluation


TIG: Graduate Students and New Evaluators

Presentation: 102

Presentation: Showing Up in the Work: Reflections on Evaluator Identity in pursuit of Equity


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation: 139

Presentation: Symbiotic Fusion: Revolutionizing Evaluation Mentorship with Seasoned Evaluators and AI Professionals"


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation: 140

Presentation: Teaching Evaluation through Community-Engaged Partnership


TIG: STEM Education and Training

Presentation: 136

Presentation: The Power of Formative Data to Yield Responsive Programmatic Improvement:  Leveraging Student and Program Staff Voice in Evaluation


TIG: Community Development

Presentation: 84

Presentation: The Price of Good Health: Save the Children leverages a Cost of the Diet to Support the Implementation Nutrition intervention in Mali


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation: 141

Presentation: Using Digital Escape Rooms to Teach Culturally Responsive Evaluation


TIG: Systems in Evaluation

Presentation: 138

Presentation: Walking The Talk: Evaluating Transdisciplinary Projects and Elevating Community Voices for Systems Change


TIG: Disabilities and Underrepresented Populations

Presentation: 90

Presentation: Weighing the Risks: Considerations for Amplifying Voices of Vulnerable Individuals in Data Collection


TIG: Teaching of Evaluation

Presentation: 142

Presentation: Welcome to Evaluation: An evaluation training program for anyone and everyone


TIG: Program Theory and Theory-Driven Evaluation

Presentation: 129

Presentation: What is the Potential for Realist Evaluation and Synthesis in the North American Social Services Context?


TIG: Social Finance

Presentation: 131

Presentation: What Will It Take to Amplify Evaluator Voices in the Social Finance Sector?: An Emergent Learning Exercise



