Poster Exhibit and Meet the Authors 2024

Wednesday, October 23 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

AEA will host a Meet the Authors reception during Evaluation 2024. This event will give attendees the opportunity to view the breadth and depth of publications available in the field as well as speak one-on-one with leading authors.

If you are a SAGE or Guilford Press published author, you need only RSVP to AEA and we will work with your publisher who will bring your book(s) and promotional flyers to the event. If you are an author publishing through a publisher not listed above, it is your responsibility to bring your own book(s) and promotional flyers for display.

At the end of the evening, publishers donate the works from their authors to the silent auction to benefit the AEA International Travel Awards. We encourage you to sign your book(s) during the event for display and sale during the silent auction. AEA will be responsible for collecting these books toward the end of the Meet The Authors event.

HOW IS THIS STRUCTURED? Authors will be assigned to a table where they will be available throughout the reception to answer questions about their work(s). There will be two authors per table with the expectation of approximately 40 participating authors.

WHO MAY PARTICIPATE? Any author or compilation editor with an evaluation or methodology-related book currently in print may participate. AEA reserves the right to refuse space to any author or editor whose work is a) not currently in print, b) not directly related to evaluation or methodologies used in evaluation, or c) not a published book (can we find it on All participating authors must sign up in advance and be registered for the conference.

WHAT SHOULD AUTHORS BRING? Authors should bring a copy of each book for which they wish to field questions. They also should bring at least 100 copies of ordering information for each book displayed (if multiple books may be ordered from a single source, then only 100 copies of a single order form need to be available). We are asking that each author sign the display copies and donate them for Friday's silent auction at the end of the evening. The auction funds travel awards for colleagues from developing countries and countries in transition. Your generous contribution in this way is appreciated.

WHAT SHOULD AUTHORS DO DURING THE RECEPTION? Authors should be present at their table throughout the reception to welcome attendees (especially those with the 'first-time attendee' ribbons!) and respond to questions about their publications. Authors should make every effort to speak with multiple attendees rather than getting caught up in a lengthy conversation with a single person.

WHAT SHOULD AUTHORS NOT DO DURING THE RECEPTION? Authors should NOT directly sell books at the reception. No funds of any type are to change hands during this event. However, you are encouraged to have promotional flyers/order forms available at your table.

Please review the Meet the Author guidelines and complete the form here with the following information:

  1. Full name of author as you wish it to appear on the sign at your table
  2. Contact information (email and phone) for author
  3. Title, year, and publisher of each book that you wish to display

RSVP by Friday, September 20, 2024! Note that space is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

RSVP Today